

WARC held a picnic August 5 at Julian Price Park on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Over 25 members and guests attended, and a good time was had by all.


On Sunday, February 25, WARC participated (for the second time ever) in the North Carolina QSO party. A Group of enthusiastic Contesters assembled at the QTH of K2ODV, and operated from 10 AM till 8 PM. We used two stations in the Low-Power1 (100W) & Mixed (Cw/SSB) mode.

Operators included George-K2ODV, Corey-WB0RXQ, Eric-NI4E, and Rich-K1HE. Also, assisting were Mark-K4CK, Steve-N4SCM, and Dennis-KA4BOE.

BAND  QSOs    last year (2023)

80          116       30

40          407 170

20          265 0392

15          32 31       

10          6 1

2 4 00

TOT     830 624

The final result had been published, and once again we took third place in our category. Our score was better than last year, and we think we can see a path to perhaps winning next year.


K4MN CUMB 337,835 1053

W4MR JOH 289,375 907

WA4J WAT 253,160 829



The High Country is about to become very busy and it is time to make your plans for a visit in order to look at the changing colors in the mountains.  Leaf lookers may want to check out Dr. Howard Neufeld’s predictions from Appstate at .   There is already a hint of the changing leaf colors up here at 3850 feet above sea level.

Fall officially begins at 8:04 a.m. on September 22.

Ham radio remains very active up this way as shown at  but there are other fun activities for the entire family as well:

  • Tweetsie Railroad Ghost Train (Fridays and Saturdays, September 20-October 26), info at

The NC State Fair ( is held in Raleigh from October 17-27.  Hams may want to volunteer for a shift in operating a ham station and talking to visitors and prospective hams about amateur radio.  If interested in a free fair ticket and the opportunity to operate,  please contact Travis Russell at to sign up for a shift.

Our State magazine lists a number of other activities near Grandfather Mountain that you may want to consider.  Take a look at the locations cited in


Efforts continue aimed at restoring a variety of systems at ARRL HQ following the IT and ransomware attack in mid-May.  Priority has been given to maintaining LOTW and DXCC.  Financial systems are being rebuilt but the bulk email normally available to Section Managers and Division Directors is not expected to be restored until the end of 2024.  The hamfest and convention calendar cannot at present be updated and upcoming hamfest are listed in this newsletter.

Periodic reports on ARRL IT restoration efforts can be found at


Dave Price, W4DNA, prepares a monthly report on the activity on various nets within North Carolina.  His entire monthly report can be viewed at  

Thanks go out to Dave and the various traffic handlers, net managers, and participants in the listed nets.

W4DNA – NC Section Net Report – AUGUST 2024

TOTAL 2020605601350723899.34%


ARRL affiliated clubs are encouraged to donate a set of ARRL books to a local library, including colleges, school libraries, and student radio clubs.  Books in the library set include:

The ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications (softcover)

The ARRL Antenna Book for Radio Communications (softcover)

The ARRL Operating Manual for Radio Amateurs

The ARRL Ham Radio License Manual

The ARRL General Class License Manual

The ARRL Extra Class License Manual

Understanding Basic Electronics

Basic Antennas — Understanding Practical Antennas and Designs

Get On the Air with HF Digital

Your First Amateur Radio HF Station

FCC Rules and Regulations for the Amateur Radio Service

The cost is $250 (including shipping).  Some titles may be sold out.  Information can be found at .


License exams will be given.  Info on the materials needed to be able to take an exam can  be found at

Other Matters

  • JAMBOREE ON THE AIR.  Scouts around the world will be on the air between October 18-20 as part of the Jamboree on the Air.  

Hams who are not involved in scouting may want to help a local scout troop get on the air if the troop does not already have an amateur radio sponsor.  Information about how you can help can be obtained by dropping a line to Dave Price, K4KDP, NC ARRL Section Youth Coordinator and a strong sponsor of scouting.  He will steer you to the appropriate scouting council who can provide information about local scout activities in your area.  Dave’s email address is .

  • The Great American Shake Out will be held on October 17.  Information on how you can participate and increase your understanding of earthquake activity and preparedness can be found at
  • Are AM Radios Going to Be Omitted from New Vehicles?

The House Energy and Commerce Committee by a 45-2 vote recommended that AM Radio in Every Vehicle Act (H.R. 8449) be sent to the full House of Representatives for a vote.   

This is a battle between automobile manufacturers, particularly EV manufacturers, who want to drop AM 

Manufacturers claim that the growing problem on interference from the numerous computer processors in the cars leads them to want to drop AM radio.  The car companies claim that suppressing the rf noise from the microprocessors will significantly add to the price of a new car.  The broadcasters reject that claim.  And, FEMA has joined the fight by pointing at that there are many parts of the country where citizens will not receive storm warnings while driving if there is no AM radio in the vehicle.  Some manufacturers are already omitting AM radios.  If passed, the law would direct automobile manufacturers to comply with the law within two years.  Stay tuned.

  • The official name of the Clingman’s Dome in the Great Smoky Mountain National Park has been changed to reflect the original name, Kuwohi, used by the Cherokee Nation.  The Clingman’s Dome name originated on a surveyor’s map and referred to Confederate General despite the centuries of history in which the Cherokee Nation considered it to be a sacred place.  It is the highest peak in the Great Smoky Mountain National Park and is visible within the Qualla Boundary, home of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. For information go to
  • Sunday, September 22, marks 35 years since Hurricane Hugo caused massive destruction across South Carolina and particularly in the Charlotte area.
 CLOSING COMMENTRegardless of which candidates you favor or dislike your opportunity of vote in the upcoming Presidential, Congressional, State and Local elections is coming soon.  In North Carolina,  these dates are provided by the North Carolina State Board of Elections:    Sept. 20: Ballots distributed to military and overseas citizen voters who have requested them.    Sept. 24: Absentee ballots distributed to all other voters who have requested them.    Oct. 11: Voter registration deadline (5 p.m.).*    Oct. 17: In-person early voting begins; same-day registration available.    Oct. 29: Absentee ballot request deadline (5 p.m.).*    Nov. 2: In-person early voting ends (3 p.m.).    Nov. 5: General Election Day.    Nov. 5: Absentee ballot return deadline (7:30 p.m.).**Voter registration and absentee voting deadlines are different for military and overseas citizen voters.

Marv, WA4NCNC Section