Public Service


October 17, 2020  9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.


  1. To provide a training opportunity for members.
  2. To demonstrate our capabilities to Red Cross and local Emergency Management.
  3. To provide an opportunity to develop and implement an Incident Action Plan
  4. To familiarize personnel with procedures to be followed when normal communications are disrupted.  This will include operating on simplex modes which would be needed in the event of a repeater failure.
  5. To operate from locations not previously tested using back up communications.
  6. To provide members with opportunities to reprogram their radios in accordance with ICS 205 which will be distributed on or about October 1.
  7. To increase familiarity with Winlink (TELNET) which will be used to distribute the IAP to members.
  8. To provide an opportunity to work with Avery County in a simulated of a widespread communications outage.


  1. Reserve the date for participation in the field exercise.
    1. If you have not already done so, go to and register for and download Winlink Expresss to one or more of your computers.
    1. Gain familiarity with Winlink Express by sending a SPOTREP messages to
    1. No later than September 30, program your portable and mobile radio in accordance with an updated Watauga Auxcomm EmComm Plan that will be distributed no later than September 20.

As part of our program to revitalize the Tarheel Emergency Net and to
increase net participation, some changes are being made.

The first of these changes is to assign the first Monday of each month
to the topic of Severe Weather.  Virginia Enzor, NC4VA, Central Skywarn
Coordinator, will offer a brief discussion of the weather issues of the
month, whether it is tornado season, droughts, hurricanes, summer storms
or severe winter weather.  She will talk briefly about the SKYWARN
program and answer your questions.  Since the net covers the entire
state, this is a great opportunity for you to learn more about weather
and how our weather is affected by North Carolina’s topography.  I hope
you will tune in an hear Virginia’s talks on the 1st Monday of each
month at 7:30 p.m. on 3923 khz.  Better yet, ask her a question.

You will receive additional messages detailing other changes designed to
make the Tarheel Net more useful  as a training venue for hams preparing
for emergency operations.

ARRL North Carolina Section
Section Manager: Marvin K Hoffman, WA4NC


ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service) is an amateur radio activity that is part of the ARRL Field Organization. Its purpose is to encourage Amateur Radio Operators to use their skills in public service events (such as bicycle races, parades and festivals) and to support local non-profit groups. Participants must hold a valid amateur radio license and be registered with the local ARES Coordinator. Contact WA4NC at

AUXCOMM (Auxiliary Communications) is a program sponsored by the U.S Department of Homeland Security. The primary purpose of Auxcomm is to have a group of trained communications personnel who can be activated to support local, state and federal agencies when normal communications are disrupted.

Auxcomm involves licensed Amateur Radio Operators who have completed specialized training in the Incident Command System and who can support local, state and federal emergency management when needed. Auxcomm personnel are involved in actual emergencies and training exercises. Auxcomm personnel often use advanced communications systems to send photos, documents and other files via WINLINK. Content sent via WINLINK is less subject to errors in transmission and can be sent faster than by traditional voice traffic. Although the two groups are distinct, many Amateur Radio Operators join both groups.

In North Carolina, an Executive Order issued by the Governor directs that all personnel who respond to emergencies must operate under the Incident Command System and be trained in the basics of ICS.  There are four required courses available on-line: ICS100 ICS200 ICS700 ICS800. These courses are offered at no cost. Information on how to register for the courses is available at: Once these courses have been completed and certificates of completion are received, licensed Amateur Radio Operators may be listed in the NC Auxcomm database which is a resource listing available to State Emergency Management. You can become listed in the Auxcomm database by following the instructions that are found at Leadership positions in Auxcomm and ARES require advanced ICS training gained in courses led by certified instructors. ICS300 is a course that focuses on managing emergencies using the Incident Command System structure. ICS400 focuses on more complex emergencies involving numerous emergency agencies in events extending beyond one 12 hour operational period.

Red Cross: The American Red Cross operates under a Charter granted by the U.S. Congress in 1917. The Red Cross carries out a number of functions including blood drives, assistance to military personnel, and disaster services. Locally, there is a Blue Ridge Piedmont North Chapter with an office in Boone. The Red Cross opens disaster shelters when flooding, fires, widespread power outages and other